RangeBorder Object (JavaScript API for Excel)
Represents the border of an object.
Property | Type | Description | Req. Set |
color | string | HTML color code representing the color of the border line, of the form #RRGGBB (e.g. "FFA500") or as a named HTML color (e.g. "orange"). | 1.1 |
id | string | Represents border identifier. Read-only. Possible values are: EdgeTop, EdgeBottom, EdgeLeft, EdgeRight, InsideVertical, InsideHorizontal, DiagonalDown, DiagonalUp. | 1.1 |
sideIndex | string | Constant value that indicates the specific side of the border. Read-only. Possible values are: EdgeTop, EdgeBottom, EdgeLeft, EdgeRight, InsideVertical, InsideHorizontal, DiagonalDown, DiagonalUp. | 1.1 |
style | string | One of the constants of line style specifying the line style for the border. Possible values are: None, Continuous, Dash, DashDot, DashDotDot, Dot, Double, SlantDashDot. | 1.1 |
weight | string | Specifies the weight of the border around a range. Possible values are: Hairline, Thin, Medium, Thick. | 1.1 |
See property access examples.
Method Details
Property access examples
Excel.run(function (ctx) {
var sheetName = "Sheet1";
var rangeAddress = "A1:F8";
var worksheet = ctx.workbook.worksheets.getItem(sheetName);
var range = worksheet.getRange(rangeAddress);
var borders = range.format.borders;
return ctx.sync().then(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < borders.items.length; i++)
}).catch(function(error) {
console.log("Error: " + error);
if (error instanceof OfficeExtension.Error) {
console.log("Debug info: " + JSON.stringify(error.debugInfo));
The example below adds grid border around the range.
Excel.run(function (ctx) {
var sheetName = "Sheet1";
var rangeAddress = "A1:F8";
var range = ctx.workbook.worksheets.getItem(sheetName).getRange(rangeAddress);
range.format.borders.getItem('InsideHorizontal').style = 'Continuous';
range.format.borders.getItem('InsideVertical').style = 'Continuous';
range.format.borders.getItem('EdgeBottom').style = 'Continuous';
range.format.borders.getItem('EdgeLeft').style = 'Continuous';
range.format.borders.getItem('EdgeRight').style = 'Continuous';
range.format.borders.getItem('EdgeTop').style = 'Continuous';
return ctx.sync();
}).catch(function(error) {
console.log("Error: " + error);
if (error instanceof OfficeExtension.Error) {
console.log("Debug info: " + JSON.stringify(error.debugInfo));