Excel JavaScript API requirement sets

Requirement sets are named groups of API members. Office Add-ins use requirement sets specified in the manifest or use a runtime check to determine whether an Office host supports APIs that an add-in needs. For more information, see Specify Office hosts and API requirements.

Excel add-ins run across multiple versions of Office, including Office 2016 for Windows, Office for iPad, Office for Mac, and Office Online. The following table lists the Excel requirement sets, the Office host applications that support that requirement set, and the build versions or number for those applications.

Note: Any API that is listed as beta is not ready for production usage. They are made available so that developers can try them out in test and development environments. They are not meant to be used against production/business critical documents.

For the requirement sets that are marked as Beta, use the specified (or later) version of the Office software and use the Beta library of the CDN: https://appsforoffice.microsoft.com/lib/beta/hosted/office.js. Entires not listed as Beta are generally available and you can continue to use Production CDN library: https://appsforoffice.microsoft.com/lib/1/hosted/office.js

Requirement set Office 2016 for Windows* Office 2016 for iPad Office 2016 for Mac Office Online Office Online Server
ExcelApi1.7 Beta Version 1704 (Build 8201.2001) or later Coming soon Coming soon April 2017 Coming soon
ExcelApi1.6 Version 1704 (Build 8201.2001) or later Coming soon Coming soon April 2017 Coming soon
ExcelApi1.5 Version 1703 (Build 8067.2070) or later Coming soon Coming soon March 2017 Coming soon
ExcelApi1.4 Version 1701 (Build 7870.2024) or later Coming soon Coming soon January 2017 Coming soon
ExcelApi1.3 Version 1608 (Build 7369.2055) or later 1.27 or later 15.27 or later September 2016 Version 1608 (Build 7601.6800) or later
ExcelApi1.2 Version 1601 (Build 6741.2088) or later 1.21 or later 15.22 or later January 2016
ExcelApi1.1 Version 1509 (Build 4266.1001) or later 1.19 or later 15.20 or later January 2016

*Note: The build number for Office 2016 installed via MSI is 16.0.4266.1001. This version only contains the ExcelApi 1.1 requirement set.

To find out more about versions, build numbers, and Office Online Server, see:

Runtime requirement support check

During the runtime, add-ins can check if a particular host supports an API requirement set by doing the following-check:

if (Office.context.requirements.isSetSupported('ExcelApi', 1.3) === true) {
  /// perform actions
else {
  /// provide alternate flow/logic

Manifest based requirement support check

Use the Requirements element in the add-in manifest to specify critical requirement sets or API members that your add-in must use. If the Office host or platform doesn't support the requirement sets or API members specified in the Requirements element, the add-in won't run in that host or platform, and won't display in My Add-ins. Instead, we recommend that you make your add-in available on all platforms of an Office host, such as Excel for Windows, Excel Online, and Excel for iPad. To make your add-in available on all Office hosts and platforms, use runtime checks instead of the Requirements element.

The following code example shows an add-in that loads in all Office host applications that support ExcelApi requirement set, version 1.3.

   <Sets DefaultMinVersion="1.3">
      <Set Name="ExcelApi" MinVersion="1.3"/>

Office common API requirement sets

For information about common API requirement sets, see Office common API requirement sets.

Upcoming Excel 1.6 release features

Conditional formatting

Introduces Conditional formating of a range. Allows follwoing types of conditional formatting:

  • Color scale
  • Data bar
  • Icon set
  • Custom

In addiiton:

  • Returns the range the conditonal format is applied to.
  • Removal of conditional formatting.
  • Provides priority and stopifTrue capability
  • Get collection of all conditional formatting on a given range.
  • Clears all conditional formats active on the current specified range.

For API details, please refer to the Excel API open specification.

Upcoming Excel 1.5 release features

Custom XML part

  • Addition of custom XML parts collection to workbook object.
  • Get custom XML part using ID
  • Get a new scoped collection of custom XML parts whose namespaces match the given namespace.
  • Get XML string associated with a part.
  • Provide id and namespace of a part.
  • Adds a new custom XML part to the workbook.
  • Set entire XML part.
  • Delete a custom XML part.
  • Delete an attribute with the given name from the element identified by xpath.
  • Query the XML content by xpath.
  • Insert, update and delete attribute.

Reference implementation: Please refer here for a reference implementation that shows how custom XML parts can be used in an add-in.


  • range.getSurroundingRegion() Returns a Range object that represents the surrounding region for this range. A surrounding region is a range bounded by any combination of blank rows and blank columns relative to this range.
  • getNextColumn() and getPreviousColumn(), `getLast() on table column.
  • getActiveWorksheet() on the workbook.
  • getRange(address: string) off of workbook.
  • getBoundingRange(ranges: []) Gets the smallest range object that encompasses the provided ranges. For example, the bounding range between "B2:C5" and "D10:E15" is "B2:E15".
  • getCount() on various collections such as named item, worksheet, table, etc. to get number of items in a collection. workbook.worksheets.getCount()
  • getFirst() and getLast() and get last on various collection such as tworksheet, able column, chart points, range view collection.
  • getNext() and getPrevious() on worksheet, table column collection.
  • getRangeR1C1() Gets the range object beginning at a particular row index and column index, and spanning a certain number of rows and columns.

For API details, please refer to the Excel API open specification.

What's new in Excel JavaScript API 1.4

The following are the new additions to the Excel JavaScript APIs in requirement set 1.3.

Named item add and new properties

New properties:

  • comment
  • scope worksheet or workbook scoped items
  • worksheet returns the worksheet on which the named item is scoped to.

New methods:

  • add(name: string, reference: Range or string, comment: string)Adds a new name to the collection of the given scope.
  • addFormulaLocal(name: string, formula: string, comment: string) Adds a new name to the collection of the given scope using the user's locale for the formula.

Settings API in in Excel namespace

Setting object represents a key-value pair of a setting persisted to the document. Now, we've added settings related APIs under Excel namespace. This doesn't offer net new functionality - however this make easy to remain in the promise based batched API syntax reduce the dependency on common API for Excel related tasks.

APIs include getItem() to get setting entry via the key, add() to add the specified key:value setting pair to the workbook.


  • Set table column name (prior version only allows reading).
  • Add table column to the end of the table (prior version only allows anywhere but last).
  • Add multiple rows to a table at a time (prior version only allows 1 row at a time).
  • range.getColumnsAfter(count: number) and range.getColumnsBefore(count: number) to get a certain number of columns to the right/left of the current Range object.
  • Get item or null object function: This functionality allows getting object using a key. If the object does not exist, the returned object's isNullObject property will be true. This alows developers to check if an object exists or not without having to handle it thorugh exception handling. Available on worksheet, named-item, binding, chart series, etc.


Object What is new Description Requirement set
bindingCollection Method > getCount() Gets the number of bindings in the collection. 1.4
bindingCollection Method > getItemOrNullObject(id: string) Gets a binding object by ID. If the binding object does not exist, will return a null object. 1.4
chartCollection Method > getCount() Returns the number of charts in the worksheet. 1.4
chartCollection Method > getItemOrNullObject(name: string) Gets a chart using its name. If there are multiple charts with the same name, the first one will be returned. 1.4
chartPointsCollection Method > getCount() Returns the number of chart points in the series. 1.4
chartSeriesCollection Method > getCount() Returns the number of series in the collection. 1.4
namedItem Property > comment Represents the comment associated with this name. 1.4
namedItem Property > scope Indicates whether the name is scoped to the workbook or to a specific worksheet. Read-only. Possible values are: Equal, Greater, GreaterEqual, Less, LessEqual, NotEqual. 1.4
namedItem Relationship > worksheet Returns the worksheet on which the named item is scoped to. Throws an error if the items is scoped to the workbook instead. Read-only. 1.4
namedItem Relationship > worksheetOrNullObject Returns the worksheet on which the named item is scoped to. Returns a null object if the item is scoped to the workbook instead. Read-only. 1.4
namedItem Method > delete() Deletes the given name. 1.4
namedItem Method > getRangeOrNullObject() Returns the range object that is associated with the name. Returns a null object if the named item's type is not a range. 1.4
namedItemCollection Method > add(name: string, reference: Range or string, comment: string) Adds a new name to the collection of the given scope. 1.4
namedItemCollection Method > addFormulaLocal(name: string, formula: string, comment: string) Adds a new name to the collection of the given scope using the user's locale for the formula. 1.4
namedItemCollection Method > getCount() Gets the number of named items in the collection. 1.4
namedItemCollection Method > getItemOrNullObject(name: string) Gets a nameditem object using its name. If the nameditem object does not exist, will return a null object. 1.4
pivotTableCollection Method > getCount() Gets the number of pivot tables in the collection. 1.4
pivotTableCollection Method > getItemOrNullObject(name: string) Gets a PivotTable by name. If the PivotTable does not exist, will return a null object. 1.4
range Method > getIntersectionOrNullObject(anotherRange: Range or string) Gets the range object that represents the rectangular intersection of the given ranges. If no intersection is found, will return a null object. 1.4
range Method > getUsedRangeOrNullObject(valuesOnly: bool) Returns the used range of the given range object. If there are no used cells within the range, this function will return a null object. 1.4
rangeViewCollection Method > getCount() Gets the number of RangeView objects in the collection. 1.4
setting Property > key Returns the key that represents the id of the Setting. Read-only. 1.4
setting Property > value Represents the value stored for this setting. 1.4
setting Method > delete() Deletes the setting. 1.4
settingCollection Property > items A collection of setting objects. Read-only. 1.4
settingCollection Method > add(key: string, value: (any)[]) Sets or adds the specified setting to the workbook. 1.4
settingCollection Method > getCount() Gets the number of Settings in the collection. 1.4
settingCollection Method > getItem(key: string) Gets a Setting entry via the key. 1.4
settingCollection Method > getItemOrNullObject(key: string) Gets a Setting entry via the key. If the Setting does not exist, will return a null object. 1.4
settingsChangedEventArgs Relationship > settings Gets the Setting object that represents the binding that raised the SettingsChanged event 1.4
tableCollection Method > getCount() Gets the number of tables in the collection. 1.4
tableCollection Method > getItemOrNullObject(key: number or string) Gets a table by Name or ID. If the table does not exist, will return a null object. 1.4
tableColumnCollection Method > getCount() Gets the number of columns in the table. 1.4
tableColumnCollection Method > getItemOrNullObject(key: number or string) Gets a column object by Name or ID. If the column does not exist, will return a null object. 1.4
tableRowCollection Method > getCount() Gets the number of rows in the table. 1.4
workbook Relationship > settings Represents a collection of Settings associated with the workbook. Read-only. 1.4
worksheet Relationship > names Collection of names scoped to the current worksheet. Read-only. 1.4
worksheet Method > getUsedRangeOrNullObject(valuesOnly: bool) The used range is the smallest range that encompasses any cells that have a value or formatting assigned to them. If the entire worksheet is blank, this function will return a null object. 1.4
worksheetCollection Method > getCount(visibleOnly: bool) Gets the number of worksheets in the collection. 1.4
worksheetCollection Method > getItemOrNullObject(key: string) Gets a worksheet object using its Name or ID. If the worksheet does not exist, will return a null object. 1.4

What's new in Excel JavaScript API 1.3

The following are the new additions to the Excel JavaScript APIs in requirement set 1.3.

Object What's new Description Requirement set
binding Method > delete() Deletes the binding. 1.3
bindingCollection Method > add(range: Range or string, bindingType: string, id: string) Add a new binding to a particular Range. 1.3
bindingCollection Method > addFromNamedItem(name: string, bindingType: string, id: string) Add a new binding based on a named item in the workbook. 1.3
bindingCollection Method > addFromSelection(bindingType: string, id: string) Add a new binding based on the current selection. 1.3
bindingCollection Method > getItemOrNull(id: string) Gets a binding object by ID. If the binding object does not exist, the return object's isNull property will be true. 1.3
chartCollection Method > getItemOrNull(name: string) Gets a chart using its name. If there are multiple charts with the same name, the first one will be returned. 1.3
namedItemCollection Method > getItemOrNull(name: string) Gets a nameditem object using its name. If the nameditem object does not exist, the returned object's isNull property will be true. 1.3
pivotTable Property > name Name of the PivotTable. 1.3
pivotTable Relationship > worksheet The worksheet containing the current PivotTable. Read-only. 1.3
pivotTable Method > refresh() Refreshes the PivotTable. 1.3
pivotTableCollection Property > items A collection of pivotTable objects. Read-only. 1.3
pivotTableCollection Method > getItem(name: string) Gets a PivotTable by name. 1.3
pivotTableCollection Method > getItemOrNull(name: string) Gets a PivotTable by name. If the PivotTable does not exist, the return object's isNull property will be true. 1.3
range Method > getIntersectionOrNull(anotherRange: Range or string) Gets the range object that represents the rectangular intersection of the given ranges. If no intersection is found, will return a null object. 1.3
range Method > getVisibleView() Represents the visible rows of the current range. 1.3
rangeView Property > cellAddresses Represents the cell addresses of the RangeView. Read-only. 1.3
rangeView Property > columnCount Returns the number of visible columns. Read-only. 1.3
rangeView Property > formulas Represents the formula in A1-style notation. 1.3
rangeView Property > formulasLocal Represents the formula in A1-style notation, in the user's language and number-formatting locale. For example, the English "=SUM(A1, introduced in 1.5)" formula would become "=SUMME(A1; 1,5)" in German. 1.3
rangeView Property > formulasR1C1 Represents the formula in R1C1-style notation. 1.3
rangeView Property > index Returns a value that represents the index of the RangeView. Read-only. 1.3
rangeView Property > numberFormat Represents Excel's number format code for the given cell. 1.3
rangeView Property > rowCount Returns the number of visible rows. Read-only. 1.3
rangeView Property > text Text values of the specified range. The Text value will not depend on the cell width. The # sign substitution that happens in Excel UI will not affect the text value returned by the API. Read-only. 1.3
rangeView Property > valueTypes Represents the type of data of each cell. Read-only. Possible values are: Unknown, Empty, String, Integer, Double, Boolean, Error. 1.3
rangeView Property > values Represents the raw values of the specified range view. The data returned could be of type string, number, or a boolean. Cell that contain an error will return the error string. 1.3
rangeView Relationship > rows Represents a collection of range views associated with the range. Read-only. 1.3
rangeView Method > getRange() Gets the parent range associated with the current RangeView. 1.3
rangeViewCollection Property > items A collection of rangeView objects. Read-only. 1.3
rangeViewCollection Method > getItemAt(index: number) Gets a RangeView Row via it's index. Zero-Indexed. 1.3
setting Property > key Returns the key that represents the id of the Setting. Read-only. 1.3
setting Method > delete() Deletes the setting. 1.3
settingCollection Property > items A collection of setting objects. Read-only. 1.3
settingCollection Method > getItem(key: string) Gets a Setting entry via the key. 1.3
settingCollection Method > getItemOrNull(key: string) Gets a Setting entry via the key. If the Setting does not exist, the returned object's isNull property will be true. 1.3
settingCollection Method > set(key: string, value: string) Sets or adds the specified setting to the workbook. 1.3
settingsChangedEventArgs Relationship > settingCollection Gets the Setting object that represents the binding that raised the SettingsChanged event 1.3
table Property > highlightFirstColumn Indicates whether the first column contains special formatting. 1.3
table Property > highlightLastColumn Indicates whether the last column contains special formatting. 1.3
table Property > showBandedColumns Indicates whether the columns show banded formatting in which odd columns are highlighted differently from even ones to make reading the table easier. 1.3
table Property > showBandedRows Indicates whether the rows show banded formatting in which odd rows are highlighted differently from even ones to make reading the table easier. 1.3
table Property > showFilterButton Indicates whether the filter buttons are visible at the top of each column header. Setting this is only allowed if the table contains a header row. 1.3
tableCollection Method > getItemOrNull(key: number or string) Gets a table by Name or ID. If the table does not exist, the return object's isNull property will be true. 1.3
tableColumnCollection Method > getItemOrNull(key: number or string) Gets a column object by Name or ID. If the column does not exist, the returned object's isNull property will be true. 1.3
workbook Relationship > pivotTables Represents a collection of PivotTables associated with the workbook. Read-only. 1.3
workbook Relationship > settings Represents a collection of Settings associated with the workbook. Read-only. 1.3
worksheet Relationship > pivotTables Collection of PivotTables that are part of the worksheet. Read-only. 1.3

What's new in Excel JavaScript API 1.2

The following are the new additions to the Excel JavaScript APIs in requirement set 1.2.

Object What's new Description Requirement set
chart Property > id Gets a chart based on its position in the collection. Read-only. 1.2
chart Relationship > worksheet The worksheet containing the current chart. Read-only. 1.2
chart Method > getImage(height: number, width: number, fittingMode: string) Renders the chart as a base64-encoded image by scaling the chart to fit the specified dimensions. 1.2
filter Relationship > criteria The currently applied filter on the given column. Read-only. 1.2
filter Method > apply(criteria: FilterCriteria) Apply the given filter criteria on the given column. 1.2
filter Method > applyBottomItemsFilter(count: number) Apply a "Bottom Item" filter to the column for the given number of elements. 1.2
filter Method > applyBottomPercentFilter(percent: number) Apply a "Bottom Percent" filter to the column for the given percentage of elements. 1.2
filter Method > applyCellColorFilter(color: string) Apply a "Cell Color" filter to the column for the given color. 1.2
filter Method > applyCustomFilter(criteria1: string, criteria2: string, oper: string) Apply a "Icon" filter to the column for the given criteria strings. 1.2
filter Method > applyDynamicFilter(criteria: string) Apply a "Dynamic" filter to the column. 1.2
filter Method > applyFontColorFilter(color: string) Apply a "Font Color" filter to the column for the given color. 1.2
filter Method > applyIconFilter(icon: Icon) Apply a "Icon" filter to the column for the given icon. 1.2
filter Method > applyTopItemsFilter(count: number) Apply a "Top Item" filter to the column for the given number of elements. 1.2
filter Method > applyTopPercentFilter(percent: number) Apply a "Top Percent" filter to the column for the given percentage of elements. 1.2
filter Method > applyValuesFilter(values: ()[]) Apply a "Values" filter to the column for the given values. 1.2
filter Method > clear() Clear the filter on the given column. 1.2
filterCriteria Property > color The HTML color string used to filter cells. Used with "cellColor" and "fontColor" filtering. 1.2
filterCriteria Property > criterion1 The first criterion used to filter data. Used as an operator in the case of "custom" filtering. 1.2
filterCriteria Property > criterion2 The second criterion used to filter data. Only used as an operator in the case of "custom" filtering. 1.2
filterCriteria Property > dynamicCriteria The dynamic criteria from the Excel.DynamicFilterCriteria set to apply on this column. Used with "dynamic" filtering. Possible values are: Unknown, AboveAverage, AllDatesInPeriodApril, AllDatesInPeriodAugust, AllDatesInPeriodDecember, AllDatesInPeriodFebruray, AllDatesInPeriodJanuary, AllDatesInPeriodJuly, AllDatesInPeriodJune, AllDatesInPeriodMarch, AllDatesInPeriodMay, AllDatesInPeriodNovember, AllDatesInPeriodOctober, AllDatesInPeriodQuarter1, AllDatesInPeriodQuarter2, AllDatesInPeriodQuarter3, AllDatesInPeriodQuarter4, AllDatesInPeriodSeptember, BelowAverage, LastMonth, LastQuarter, LastWeek, LastYear, NextMonth, NextQuarter, NextWeek, NextYear, ThisMonth, ThisQuarter, ThisWeek, ThisYear, Today, Tomorrow, YearToDate, Yesterday. 1.2
filterCriteria Property > filterOn The property used by the filter to determine whether the values should stay visible. Possible values are: BottomItems, BottomPercent, CellColor, Dynamic, FontColor, Values, TopItems, TopPercent, Icon, Custom. 1.2
filterCriteria Property > operator The operator used to combine criterion 1 and 2 when using "custom" filtering. Possible values are: And, Or. 1.2
filterCriteria Property > values The set of values to be used as part of "values" filtering. 1.2
filterCriteria Relationship > icon The icon used to filter cells. Used with "icon" filtering. 1.2
filterDatetime Property > date The date in ISO8601 format used to filter data. 1.2
filterDatetime Property > specificity How specific the date should be used to keep data. For example, if the date is 2005-04-02 and the specifity is set to "month", the filter operation will keep all rows with a date in the month of april 2009. Possible values are: Year, Monday, Day, Hour, Minute, Second. 1.2
formatProtection Property > formulaHidden Indicates if Excel hides the formula for the cells in the range. A null value indicates that the entire range doesn't have uniform formula hidden setting. 1.2
formatProtection Property > locked Indicates if Excel locks the cells in the object. A null value indicates that the entire range doesn't have uniform lock setting. 1.2
icon Property > index Represents the index of the icon in the given set. 1.2
icon Property > set Represents the set that the icon is part of. Possible values are: Invalid, ThreeArrows, ThreeArrowsGray, ThreeFlags, ThreeTrafficLights1, ThreeTrafficLights2, ThreeSigns, ThreeSymbols, ThreeSymbols2, FourArrows, FourArrowsGray, FourRedToBlack, FourRating, FourTrafficLights, FiveArrows, FiveArrowsGray, FiveRating, FiveQuarters, ThreeStars, ThreeTriangles, FiveBoxes. 1.2
range Property > columnHidden Represents if all columns of the current range are hidden. 1.2
range Property > formulasR1C1 Represents the formula in R1C1-style notation. 1.2
range Property > hidden Represents if all cells of the current range are hidden. Read-only. 1.2
range Property > rowHidden Represents if all rows of the current range are hidden. 1.2
range Relationship > sort Represents the range sort of the current range. Read-only. 1.2
range Method > merge(across: bool) Merge the range cells into one region in the worksheet. 1.2
range Method > unmerge() Unmerge the range cells into separate cells. 1.2
rangeFormat Property > columnWidth Gets or sets the width of all colums within the range. If the column widths are not uniform, null will be returned. 1.2
rangeFormat Property > rowHeight Gets or sets the height of all rows in the range. If the row heights are not uniform null will be returned. 1.2
rangeFormat Relationship > protection Returns the format protection object for a range. Read-only. 1.2
rangeFormat Method > autofitColumns() Changes the width of the columns of the current range to achieve the best fit, based on the current data in the columns. 1.2
rangeFormat Method > autofitRows() Changes the height of the rows of the current range to achieve the best fit, based on the current data in the columns. 1.2
rangeReference Property > address Represents the visible rows of the current range. 1.2
rangeSort Method > apply(fields: SortField[], matchCase: bool, hasHeaders: bool, orientation: string, method: string) Perform a sort operation. 1.2
sortField Property > ascending Represents whether the sorting is done in an ascending fashion. 1.2
sortField Property > color Represents the color that is the target of the condition if the sorting is on font or cell color. 1.2
sortField Property > dataOption Represents additional sorting options for this field. Possible values are: Normal, TextAsNumber. 1.2
sortField Property > key Represents the column (or row, depending on the sort orientation) that the condition is on. Represented as an offset from the first column (or row). 1.2
sortField Property > sortOn Represents the type of sorting of this condition. Possible values are: Value, CellColor, FontColor, Icon. 1.2
sortField Relationship > icon Represents the icon that is the target of the condition if the sorting is on the cell's icon. 1.2
table Relationship > sort Represents the sorting for the table. Read-only. 1.2
table Relationship > worksheet The worksheet containing the current table. Read-only. 1.2
table Method > clearFilters() Clears all the filters currently applied on the table. 1.2
table Method > convertToRange() Converts the table into a normal range of cells. All data is preserved. 1.2
table Method > reapplyFilters() Reapplies all the filters currently on the table. 1.2
tableColumn Relationship > filter Retrieve the filter applied to the column. Read-only. 1.2
tableSort Property > matchCase Represents whether the casing impacted the last sort of the table. Read-only. 1.2
tableSort Property > method Represents Chinese character ordering method last used to sort the table. Read-only. Possible values are: PinYin, StrokeCount. 1.2
tableSort Relationship > fields Represents the current conditions used to last sort the table. Read-only. 1.2
tableSort Method > apply(fields: SortField[], matchCase: bool, method: string) Perform a sort operation. 1.2
tableSort Method > clear() Clears the sorting that is currently on the table. While this doesn't modify the table's ordering, it clears the state of the header buttons. 1.2
tableSort Method > reapply() Reapplies the current sorting parameters to the table. 1.2
workbook Relationship > functions Represents Excel application instance that contains this workbook. Read-only. 1.2
worksheet Relationship > protection Returns sheet protection object for a worksheet. Read-only. 1.2
worksheetProtection Property > protected Indicates if the worksheet is protected. Read-Only. Read-only. 1.2
worksheetProtection Relationship > options Sheet protection options. Read-only. 1.2
worksheetProtection Method > protect(options: WorksheetProtectionOptions) Protects a worksheet. Fails if the worksheet has been protected. 1.2
worksheetProtection Method > unprotect() Unprotects a worksheet. 1.2
worksheetProtectionOptions Property > allowAutoFilter Represents the worksheet protection option of allowing using auto filter feature. 1.2
worksheetProtectionOptions Property > allowDeleteColumns Represents the worksheet protection option of allowing deleting columns. 1.2
worksheetProtectionOptions Property > allowDeleteRows Represents the worksheet protection option of allowing deleting rows. 1.2
worksheetProtectionOptions Property > allowFormatCells Represents the worksheet protection option of allowing formatting cells. 1.2
worksheetProtectionOptions Property > allowFormatColumns Represents the worksheet protection option of allowing formatting columns. 1.2
worksheetProtectionOptions Property > allowFormatRows Represents the worksheet protection option of allowing formatting rows. 1.2
worksheetProtectionOptions Property > allowInsertColumns Represents the worksheet protection option of allowing inserting columns. 1.2
worksheetProtectionOptions Property > allowInsertHyperlinks Represents the worksheet protection option of allowing inserting hyperlinks. 1.2
worksheetProtectionOptions Property > allowInsertRows Represents the worksheet protection option of allowing inserting rows. 1.2
worksheetProtectionOptions Property > allowPivotTables Represents the worksheet protection option of allowing using PivotTable feature. 1.2
worksheetProtectionOptions Property > allowSort Represents the worksheet protection option of allowing using sort feature. 1.2

Excel JavaScript API 1.1

Excel JavaScript API 1.1 is the first version of the API. For details about the API, see the Excel JavaScript API reference topics.

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